9 - Wherewithal shall a young man
cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto
according to thy word.
Cleanse in the original Greek comes from a word meaning "pure from sin." Heed comes from a Greek word meaning "guard."
How shall a young man keep himself pure from sin? By guarding himself with the Word!
"I do not say that there are no other guides, no other fences. I do not say that conscience is worth nothing, and conscience in youth is especially sensitive and tender; I do not say that prayer is not a most valuable fence, but prayer without taking heed is only another name for presumption: prayer and carelessness can never walk hand in hand together; and I therefore say that there is no fence nor guard that can so effectually keep out every enemy as prayerful reading of the word of God, bringing every solicitation from the world or from companions, every suggestion from our own hearts and passions, to the test of God's word: -- What says the Bible? The answer of the Bible, with the teaching and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, will in all the intricacies of our road be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path."
~Barton Bouchier
"God's word is the glass which discovereth all spiritual deformity, and also the water and soap which washes and scours it away."
~Paul Bayne
© 2012 by Melani Brady Shock
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