Thursday, February 16, 2012

psalm 119:14

14 - I have rejoiced in the way
of thy testimonies,
as much as in all riches.

"Delight in the word of God is a sure proof that it is has taken effect upon the heart, 
and so is cleansing the life."
~Charles Spurgeon

Several people have tweeted, posted, or emailed about praying the "Prayer for Night People" and becoming quite surprised when it actually worked. After one week of Eat This Book, so many have said they are amazed at how much they value their morning time and how they cannot wait to have coffee with God every morning. I recently got an email from a friend that simply said this, "I am addicted."

How will you know you are eating the word? When you cannot wait to open its pages in the morning and your sigh with regret when you must put it down. When, in the throes of a sword piercing your heart with conviction, you are simultaneously filled with joy and peace and a fullness your soul cannot contain because of the wonder of the fact you are communicating with the Creator!

"I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches."

Don't bypass the purest source of lasting joy for riches which are deceptive and fleeting.

"Riches are acquired with difficulty, enjoyed with trembling, and lost with bitterness." 
~Bernard, 1091-1157

The Word vs. Riches? That isn't even worth a discussion!

© 2012 by Melani Brady Shock

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