Thursday, February 16, 2012

etb journal - day 4

I received the following email from a fellow Book Eater a few days ago.  It was interesting, and I thought I would pass it on to those who also Eat the Book. Of course, I can't verify where or when the story occurred, but if one believes in God and prayer at all, it should not be discounted nor be a surprise.  Thanks, Mike, for passing this along!

I read in ETB day 4 (journal) how, when you are talking about 'God words...(that) have the power to change the molecular structure of the air into which they are spoken.'  

I wanted to share an illustration, that I recently read, of just how true that statement is. 

I've been reading the book "We Don't Die, We Kill Ourselves: Our Foods are Killing Us" by Dr. Roger L. DeHaan, 2006, Milestones International Publishers, Kings Mountain NC. 

Two days ago I read the following 3 paragraphs: 

A number of years ago I was in a weeklong class on diagnosing and balancing nutritional and emotional problems. On the last day the instructor brought in an apple from the local grocery store. In front of us all he analyzed the life vitality of the apple, the chemical overload values and two or three other numbers on the instrument we were all being trained to operate. 

Then the instructor did something nobody expected. He placed his hands around the apple and blessed it, praying something like, "Lord, you created this apple to nourish our bodies. I bless this applie with good nutrition. I ask You to reverse any imbalance in this apple. Amen." 

Following this prayer he reanalyzed the apple on his equipment. Immediately the numbers shifted. The life vitality zoomed into normal range. The chemical overload dropped to acceptable values. 

© 2012 by Melani Brady Shock

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