What is it?

It started as a request for a one-night session on some basics of how to study the Bible.  It evolved into a 4-session series that encompasses much more than the tools.

Instead of merely providing a knife and fork to the possessor of the Book, the study helps create the hunger for the Book. 

This study is founded upon the belief that the Bible is the living Word -- the Logos -- the very Voice of God Himself.  We believe that it is the literal, inspired (God-breathed) Word of God and is alive in the world and the hearts of men today. Based upon this premise, it cannot be relegated to the position of history book, promise book, or instruction manual. It is a vital part of every fiber of a Christian's life. If we have not ingested it, we are powerless in our walk with Christ.

Lesson 1: Prerequisites 
     Anyone can read the Bible just as they can read a textbook or a magazine or a novel or a newspaper.  But if one will eat the Word as Jeremiah described, there are some conditions that must be met--some prerequisites to which one must adhere.

Lesson 2: Preferences and Prompts
     The Bible version you read does matter. It is important. While we are aware of the mountain of information available to anyone daring to confront this controversial topic and also the vast array of opinions on the subject, we do not feel that it is an area which can be ignored. A broad overview of the information is presented in order to give the student a foundation upon which to build their own personal study. The position of the author is also presented.

Lesson 3: Prompts
     There are certain tools which are invaluable to anyone wishing to ingest the Word into their heart. The author's personal favorites are presented as well as warnings against surrounding oneself with too many of man's opinions.

Lesson 4: Process
     The final lesson does not remotely attempt to wrap up and summarize the topic. Indeed, it is the opinion of the author that this is not even possible. Lesson 4 ties the previous 3 lessons together and seeks to inform the student that the elements presented in the previous 21 days will necessarily be present throughout the process of eating the Book--a process which will encompass the rest of the student's life.

This blog is designed to enhance the experience of those who have taken the course or who are taking the course. Due to the fact that research, exploration, and discovery is a constantly evolving process, this is the place where tools, resources, experiences, and insights to and from hungry students will constantly be updated.

This study was written and compiled by Melani Shock of Alexandria, Louisiana.