How to Order

Individual teacher sets and student sets in packs of 5 of Eat This Book: An Exploration of How to Study the Bible are now available to order online.

The teacher set of Eat This Book is designed for anyone desiring to personally go through the study as a self-study or to teach it. It consists of a teacher workbook (an exact replica of the student workbook with the addition of teacher notes and answers for fill-in-the-blanks), a 21-day journal (which coincides with the lessons), and a bookmark.

The student sets also consist of a workbook (without answers and notes) and a journal.  They are sold in multiples of 5 and are designed to be purchased by each student in a class.

It is recommended that the teacher/group leaders spend at least 21 days going through the study themselves before attempting to lead a group.  Each student in the class or group needs their own set of materials.  It will greatly decrease the effectiveness of the class if someone does not have their own personal journal and/or workbook.

Please click HERE for more information and to place your order.

If you would like to order student sets for 50+ students, please contact us for bulk pricing at or 318-427-6642.

3/8/12--Second printing is in! Assembly and mail-outs are currently in progress. Thank you for your patience.