Sunday, June 3, 2012

psalm 119:44

44 - So shall I keep thy law
for ever and ever.

David emphatically declared his allegiance to the Word of God.

He had tasted it.  He had experienced it.  He had leaned into it, called upon it, rested in it.  Now he was declaring boldly that nothing would cause him to turn away from it.

It is interesting to note that many scholars feel this Psalm was written before David's sin with Bathsheba.
He was so sure of himself here.  So confident.  He knew where his strength came from and he pledged lifetime allegiance to it.

So how could such a man with such a heart and such a prophetic anointing on his writings fall so far and so terribly?

In Mark 14, Peter basically did the same thing.  "No, Lord.  Not me!  Everybody else may be offended in You--they may leave, they may run, they may forsake You--but not me!  I will never deny You!  And before the sun came up the next morning, Peter had done exactly what he said he would not do!

Those of us attempting to live out the Words of God in the 21st century need to take diligent heed to this passage and principle.  

Living victoriously, emphatically, and intentionally takes a daily meal of the Word mixed with prayer.  Every single day.  In humble petition, repentant and contrite every single day.  Even David, who heard the very Voice of God speak His Word to him in Psalm 119 as he wrote "so shall I keep thy law forever and ever" was not exempt from falling to temptation.  

Declare Psalm 119:44 in your own life this day.  But do so in humble awareness that it is only by continually living in the Pages that you will have strength to live it out.

"Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."
1 Corinthians 10:12

"Nothing more effectually binds a man to the way of the Lord 
than an experience of the truth of his word." 
~Charles Spurgeon

© 2012 by Melani Brady Shock

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