3 - They also do no iniquity:
they walk in his ways.
Verse 3 is still speaking of the man who would be called "blessed" -- the one who seeks to be happy. They will do no iniquity because they walk in the ways of the God of the universe.
Consider what Spurgeon had to say about this: "It is not enough to them to be blameless, they wish also to be actively righteous."
As a Christ follower, I have no right to escape into isolation in order to live a holy, blameless life--one without iniquity. If I am to be blessed, I must live an actively righteous life, purposely walking in the path God illuminates through His Word.
Just abstaining from wrong is not enough. We must also be proactive in doing good.
"Lord, I thank thee that I am not as the publican" is not enough.
We must pray, "Thy kingdom come." In me. In my house. In my life. In every action. In every step.
Jesus clearly illustrated this with the parable of the good Samaritan. It is not enough that I was not the one who beat the traveler and left him for dead on the side of the road. When I pass the beaten man on the road with my eyes averted, not wanting to "get involved," with no time to do the will of my Father, I am involved in iniquity.
"Walking in his ways" means that I will become the incarnation of the Living Word and take action. I will bind the wounds and seek help for the traveler.
Blessedness--happiness--cannot come just because I remain spotless on the other side of the road.
Blessedness--happiness--comes when I become actively involved in living out the Word.
© 2012 by Melani Brady Shock
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