65 - Thou hast dealt well
with thy servant, O Lord,
according to thy word.
Oh, how true is this verse! My testimony! So often, it doesn't feel "well" according to society's standards, but oh so well according to His Word.
Affliction, sorrow, reproach, derision, stranger, forsaken, horror--words from David describing life. I have felt all of these words.
Redeemer, faithful, grace, compassion, friend, lovingkindness, provider, healer--my life from His Word.
Oh yes. Thou has dwelt well with me.
"No doubt," said the late Rev. J. Brown, of Haddington, Scotland,
"I have met with trials as well as others; yet so kind has God been to me,
that I think if he were to give me as many years as I have already lived in the world,
I should not desire one single circumstance in my lot changed,
except that I wish I had less sin.
It might be written on my coffin, 'Here lies one of the cares of Providence,
who early wanted both father and mother, and yet never missed them.'"
© 2012 by Melani Brady Shock